Time is surely flying by this semester. We continue to discuss Direct Instruction in class, but are quickly moving on to Indirect Instruction and the Information Processing Model. I feel like I’m continuously treading water this semester. I miss the days where I confidently felt “caught up,” with the material, if not ahead of the game. You’d think that with only sleeping a couple of hours a night I’d get a ton of school work done, but that is definitely not the picture :) Instead, I am up all night and then try to do the work and end up staring at my lap top and notes – and sometimes even falling asleep with my fingers on the keyboard! Oi vey…
Well, I am continuing to chip away at my WebQuest. It frustrates me because my normal creative juices are flowing quite so nicely. I feel like I start to have some really great ideas, then I go to put them down and they kind of evaporate. I feel so incredibly grateful that Dr. S has pushed the due date back a couple of times. I know I’m not that far off, but it does seem quite discouraging sometimes… As soon as I finish this up, I have to create an IPM lesson plan based around it. I don’t think this will be too daunting – I just need to get the darn thing done already! :)
This week is about creating Treasure Hunts. I will be working with Christina who already has a good hold on what is required = awesome! She has already made a nice template with a lot of useful information, so now I need to go in and help her out wherever I can. This hunt will be geared towards professional development for teachers, but Treasure Hunts can be used in the classroom for students too. There’s not too much involved with creating one, and the effect they can have is great. Students would get so much more out of a quick hunt than a traditional lesson.
Well… off to work on my WebQuest before I run out of steam – I’m sure that won’t be too long from now thanks to lovely Day Light Savings! ;)